Cap (crown)

A cap is a popular term that refers to a dental crown, which is a restoration, made mostly from porcelain or from gold, which surrounds a tooth completely to strengthen it. A crown can be made of either gold, gold fused to porcelain, or just porcelain. Gold is more used in the areas of the mouth when we need strength, and porcelain is used when we need aesthetics. A tooth needs a crown when it has had a large filling or cavity, or a root canal therapy.

Dental Treatments

  Anesthesia Apicoectomy Bite splint Braces Bridge Cantilever bridge Cap (crown) Clasp Crown Curettage Dental cleaning Dental exam Dental x-rays Dentures and partials Direct pulp cap Endodontic retreatment Extraction Facial mask Filling Frenectomy Gingivectomy Gingivoplasty Graft Gum treatments Headgear Immediate denture Implant Indirect pulp cap Indirect restoration Inlay Inlay and onlay Internal bleaching Laser cavity detection Lip bumper Maryland bridge Mini-implant Mouth guard Onlay Oral surgery Orthodontics Orthognathic surgery Palliative treatment Pulpotomy Pulpectomy Post Pontic Removable partial denture Root canal Sealant Sinus lift Tooth whitening Veneer Wisdom teeth


  1. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
  2. Medical dictionary by Farlex (

The information above should be used as a reference only. Any medical decision should not be done before consulting a health care professional.

Last update: 30th of May 2012.